Martha Cecilia Ovadia
We Are Rape Culture
Mujer Non-Grata: An Ongoing Series on Life in a Cult, Healing from Religious Trauma Syndrome, and Navigating Life after Religion To read...

Martha Cecilia Ovadia
A Harry Potter Sermon to the Ideological Orphans of 2018
Note: This is an interdisciplinary post in conjunction with my other ongoing project Mujer Non-Grata: An Ongoing Series on Life in a...
Martha Cecilia Ovadia
Vocation Vampires: #notyou to #metoo & #timesup
Mujer Non-Grata: An Ongoing Series on Life in a Cult, Healing from Religious Trauma Syndrome, and Navigating Life After Religion. To read...

Cary Klemmer, Abby Palia
Reflections on the Shiva Purana: A Call to Yoga Practice
Over the last year I have had the honor of holding continuing dialogues with many exquisite minds who have challenged me and moved my...

Anjeanette LeBoeuf
Raise Your Voice
The last eight months has seen a spotlight on the endemic, engrained corrupt and abusive environment and people that have been...

John Erickson
Happy Anniversary
It has been quite the year. From the Women’s March in January, the Resist March in June, to the #MeToo Survivors’ March in November, we...

Amanda Smash Hyde

Amanda Smash Hyde

Chelsea Byers
The Truth has No Time Limit
Sexual violence is not treated like a crime. Period. And the data proves it. Men are the predominate abuser, women and minorities are the...

Cary Klemmer
Yoga and Other Mindfulness Practices Offer Guiding Light in Violent and Traumatic Times
Recently, it seems we are increasingly assaulted with a barrage of atrocious, saddening and maddening news. Natural disasters such as the...